If you have not been following along, skip over to Loobylu’s Wednesday fling and check out the most talented cadre of peeps. I have thoroughly enjoyed dropping in on everyone elses’ blogs. In fact, once down the rabbit hole, I found some really wonderous new places.
The Hotties for the week:
- Patty and Alex had a baby!!!!!! They have a little guy super fresh from Heaven! I am so happy for them!
- The Fantastic Mr. Fox and the simply fantastic zinger Mrs. Fox slings at Mr. Fox, “Foxy, you are a terrible actor!” It is hilarious to hear Meryl Streep smack down George Clooney.
- Smitten Kitchen and the AMAZING apple upside down gingerbread cake recipe I made.
- I sliced the apples on my V slicer mandoline. Now that I have typed “V slicer” I think that must be some villainous body part/weapon for a sinister Bond Girl…it is made in Germany.
- Arriving home to discover a Flowers.com delivery on my front doorstep. And lilies….one of my favorites right after tulips. And what a sly woodsman….Have I mentioned how much I adore surprises?
- Writing my first poem. Reading my first poem and actually escaping without a single groan from my writing class. And it is not a limerick or a Haiku…I promise.
- Making our first batch of Christmas cookies. They are my sister Chrissy’s all time favorite: Peanut butter blossoms. Luckily, they now make dark chocolate Kisses.
- Trespassing over the fence and up the hill to the top of my dream….it is a lovely dream. Thanks Mr. T for the picture! I pity the Fool!
And now for the Not so worthy:
- In general, television sucks. Seriously sucks. There is simply nothing worth watching! The universe is trying to tell me something….I just can’t hear it over the stupid commercials.
- Worried for my ill co-workers. Doctors make really shitty patients and we just don’t get sick. We almost never call in sick. We don’t get sick days because, who is gonna write my work excuse? For one of us to call in sick (for ourselves) is a rarity. For 2 or more of us to fall…..someone needs to buy a Lotto ticket, the planets have aligned and freaky things are a’comin. (It is a blessing to have back up, though…which should go up on the hot list!)
- Its December 9th and it is 86 degrees outside and I have the windows open. That is just wrong! While I am thankful I did not have to shovel my driveway 4 times last night…I mean…do people get up in the middle of the night to shovel snow? Really?