When I am cooking, I love finding that really cool ingredient. I am very loyal to products. When I find something I like, I stick to it. Tonight I made salmon for dinner. I marinated it is Yoshida’s Original Sauce. Our Publix supermarkets stopped carrying this product for a brief time, but I think so many people complained or requested special orders they brought it back. It is versatile.
We use this on salmon, chicken, shrimp. Try it!
Some of my other favorite products are Bella Cucina’s Sun-dried Tomato Pesto. I also love The Ginger People and their grated ginger. I have mentioned on an earlier post about tuna steak. But, they also make a crystallized ginger chip that has a recipe on the jar that make the most fabulous, soft, thing, chewy ginger cookies. Intense flavor of a ginger snap, but chewy.
I could go on and on. I gave Cameron Tupelo Honey for Christmas. Tupelo Honey is specific to north Florida and south Georgia. It is remarkable how distinct it is.
Bon Appetit!
Likely we have some similarities, such as good peanut butter,chocolate morsels…etc one of my favorite is Kirby MOJO, can’t find it up here. Have to buy it online! It is worth it though. Good stuff. :)
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Mark Riley