
There is a difference between frivolity and wastefulness. Frivolity has value simply because it is silly and entertaining. Being frivolous may use resources but it usually results in laughter or joy. I think of things like pie fights, mud wrestling, bunjee jumping, manicures or $3 cafe lattes. They bring pleasure. They make us smile. And they usually do not make another person cry. Frivolity is not at the expense of another. If I act in a frivolous manner…..who do I hurt? How is my silliness damaging?  But being wasteful is sinful. Wastefulness squanders resources. Even if it gives me some twisted pleasure to use $100 to light candles around my house, most would agree that it is wasteful. And even if no one sees me do it, even if I can rightfully say that I can do with my money as I wish……I know there is some corrupted pleasure in this act. It is not a pure joy. There is an underlying meanness.

I think of the decoration of a car on a wedding day. The frivolous act ties cans to the bumper and paints “Just Married” on the back windshield. Add meanness to this act and you get sardines in the hubcabs, shaving cream on the paint and “Old Ball and Chain” on the back windshield. That is not silly. That is mean…and unneccesary.

I like the economy of motion. I like the economy of thought. I like the economy of emotions. Don’t waste energy on pointless and painful things. Conserve your feelings for times and people who are not mean and who appreciate them. Conserve your words for when they are heard or when someone is listening.

Then, when you have people or time or security, you can fling words, feelings, thoughts and love with frivolous abandon. And that is not wasteful. You can spin in circles until you are drunk with dizziness. You can lie on your back in a field and watch clouds roll by for hours. You can skip flat stones across a lake until your elbow aches. You can lick cake batter out of a mixing bowl, lingering in the pleasure. There is no greed in frivolity. There is no demand. Frivolity is spontaneous faith in impending joy.

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