Friday Eve is the best week night, especially when I have Friday off work. It is cause for celebration. Often, when I get off work, I hit the wall pretty hard. Exhausted. Like any marathon runner, you pace yourself for the distance you know must be traveled. And only that distance. And when the race has run, you collapse. I came home, made a lovely Biddan Ridge bourbon, ate my dinner and baked some cookies. It was mandatory because I baked my son’s birthday cake (he turns 20 on Saturday) and we are going to visit him up at college today. The family tradition Sock-It-To-Me cake with chocolate frosting is so tempting that cookies were required.
This week something resolved that has been hanging over me for six years. It’s resolution has the potential to reorient and correct some issues that I have had to manage and accommodate. It has been like working with foot binding and one arm tied behind my back. And yet I have managed. Thus, why, when this week ended and I had the ability to RELAX, it all came flooding out. I felt as if I could breathe. Someone had unwrapped my feet and unbound my hand. It is hard to believe that this albatross might go away. Is it possible? I want to believe. I want to have hope. In the mean time….I will have a few cookies.