
Thanksgiving is our national day of thanks.We live in a country of abundance and bounty. Even with a crummy economy and soldiers off our soil serving in foreign wars, we have so much for which to be thankful. It is far too easy to get caught in the debatesĀ  about politics, economics, religion or if Kim Kardashian has butt implants. I am thankful this day for my sons, my family, my health, my talents, the fantastic Florida weather, the big, free range turkey roasting in my oven and the honey crisp apples I will make into a pie in about an hour. I am thankful for the chance to open my home and welcome someone new to my dinner table. I will ask her forgiveness now for the ridiculously butter ladened menu and my crazy family. If she shows up at work on Monday, then I will have validation that we either aren’t as bat shit crazy as I fear or…..she has her own equally bat-shit-crazy family. And when other than Thanksgiving can we prance out our family craziness? This is the day we hug each other, share efforts, cook, chat, chide, ya-ya and even possibly hurt each other’s feelings. We might drink a bit too much and stumble into those family mine fields usually cordoned off and avoided. We may lay down the axes we’ve been grinding for years and finally “get over it”. Either way….I am thankful for this life, this day, this chance to have people I love close and people far away that I love in my thoughts and heart. I wish we could all be together breaking bread and stuffing our pie holes.

God bless everyone!

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