And just like that it is Friday…..and as I packed my lunch and waited for the Elixir of Life to finished brewing in the magic machine on the counter, I had a spontaneous ticker tape of things I need or want to do this weekend:
- see Knight & Day
- makeĀ and can spicy mustard
- find a new cookie recipe
- pick more blackberries bought blueberries at Farmer’s market
- orientation for E’s summer camp
- new running shoes that I use for walking
- finalize my gym membership.…use my gym membership
- finish last band on forest quilt
- go to Trenton quilt shop and peruse fabric for my new bed quilt
- if I find nothing, order from eQuilting: not necessary
- make C start his virtual high school biology course
- shop for C a new bike
- finish laundry
- update wordpress
- final edit on Grace’s last 153 pages
- email to Florida writers’ association
- get real estate attorney to file quitclaim deed…must be done today: tabled
- am I meeting with Ken E about his bid on house? not yet, he’s still working on the plans
- replace and pot the front herbs
- confirm the lawn man will quote the lot he’s doing it tomorrow
- plant the sprouting sweet potato
- pay bills
- read that stack of prescriber’s newletter No! I don’t want to. I read my novel instead.
Ah….my coffee is done. Time to get ready for work. And the brain never stops running………………………………………………………………………..
Addendum: sometimes it is easy to get off balance, to lose your stride. After mass today, I got a good second wind. Fr. Gillespie’s homily helped. I am glad I felt so down and so weak that I was compelled to go to mass. Ah, the mystery of it all.