I went back to the NPR Archives thinking my discovery of Jose Gonzalez was from a piece new music or artists. Nope. I downloaded Veneer last year and have listened to it in rotation with Elvis Perkins, Elbow and Josh Pyke. On Wednesday night while sitting at my desk, my son played Red Dead Redemption on the Xbox in the same room. I can usually tune out the game until gratuitous profanity or worse. Instead, I hear a familiar voice and acoustic guitar.
“That is Jose Gonzalez singing.”
I get a look that translates like, “Yeah right, mom. As if!”
So to punctuate the notion that some moms…at least HIS mom….is in the know about some things. I open my itunes and do a power search for Jose Gonzalez. I then do a google search for Red Dead Redemption soundtrack. Booyah! The song is called Far Away and is not on any of JG’s current albums but can be downloaded as a single. It is worth the $0.99. (How sucky is it that there is no cents symbol on the keyboard any longer?)
I thoroughly enjoy this artist. He has a lovely voice and the acoustic guitar is wonderful.