To blog or not to blog? When I have a long and jam-packed day, the idea of clearing enough space in my brain to write even a small paragraph seems like a daunting task. It mght as will be a term paper with footnotes and a bibliography. Remember the days of TYPING a term paper on a typewriter? Remember the advent of White Out? Today is Loobylu’s Wednesday tradition of All things HOT and those things NOT. I steal from her cleverness and post my personal weekly pleasures and pains.
- Avoiding the grocery store and eating something from the pantry or freezer. Even a simple sandwich with chips is easier, less frenetic and cheaper than the aisle hunting.
- The quality of juvenile literature is remarkable. I am reading I,Q by Roland Smith. I picked it up at the Scholastic Book Fair at the school’s fall festival.
- Discovering a few people in your world who actually get you, laugh at your sense of humor, anticipate your moods and generally have a synchronicity or harmony to your world.
- Pink Martini. I listened to a segment on NPR about them and I think they are fabulous. The home page on their website is a site to behold. It looks like a great I, Spy book.
- Daydreaming about a long lost friend and wondering how to put a smile on their face…and then thinking of the absolute perfect surprise. I am a rockstar!
- Slackers in all forms. Lassitude and slackitude are never enviable. It is reasonable to occasionally need a helping hand. It is a whole other character flaw to expect others to tote your sorry butt around. Grow up!
- Impotence…and I do not mean the kind responsive to Viagra. I mean the powerlessness of certain situations. One can know a solution to a problem, have a fair and reasonable strategy to achieve or repair said situation but literally be clipped at the knees and be left crippled and unable to do a damn thing….except wait for the probable clobbering.
- The likelihood of warm weather for Halloween. I wanted a nice cool night. I suppose warm is better than rain.
- A loss of my taste for chocolate. I think I must have a brain tumor or I was abducted by aliens….maybe I am an alien.