Sometimes I let myself get too hungry. I delay eating or I get busy and forget to eat. Mind you, I am lover of food. I am a picky eater, though. I am adventurous but particular. I watched Jeff Corwin’s new show on the Food Network, called Extreme Eating. Not for me. I could not eating live jumping shrimp Larb, even knowing it is a Thai delicacy. If I am eating another creature, it better be dead.
But I got too hungry today and that is never good. Hunger makes me loopy or cranky. Extreme hunger causes hypoglycemia, which my brain, in particular, dislikes. If I push it too long, the hypoglycemia kicks off a pretty interesting adrenaline response. And then I faint. The good news is I can tell when it might happen. The bad news….I am as likely to faint now over 40 as I was at 12.
Now, I am not a shrinking violet in any way. But…general system shut down is pretty impressive. I had the humiliating misfortune of once fainting in an exam room with a patient. Crashed into the exam table. Face vs floor….floor wins. I was glad not to loose any teeth and come away with a minor facial laceration. Best part…Vicky remains a patient.
So, I eat Clif Bars for breakfast with my dozen bite sized “dried plums”. I scoffed away the peanut contamination fears….basically because I knew I was never likely to give up the Jif. And cheese…thank god my total cholesterol is like 130. I can forgo donuts, ice cream even chocolate but I know better than to eat a diet low in protein. I wish never to repeat the TIMBER!!!! event with my head or face ever again. The best method to stave off the hypoglycemia is the “shot” I do before bedtime…..
A dark Dove chocolate square in a spoon of Jif.
the bathtub/shower diving you did in jr. & sr. high school at 6 AM was pretty exciting too….. carrying cheese, peanut butter and milk to a wet-down teen lying in the tub was the response to the “thump” I’d here while fixing breakfast.
Talk about scaring a mom to death –