Eventually, I’ll hire a maid but my house is so fresh and new and barely lived-in that it hasn’t gotten that dirty or cluttered. Also, I like cleaning and I especially like cleaning MY HOUSE. For all of my adult life, I have lived in condominiums or houses with previous owners. I had to deal with their burnt orange and black tiled kitchen, hard wood flooring ruined by golf shoe tacks, dense paisley a la 1980’s wall paper and faux wooden paneling with BLACK baseboards and door frame moldings. Then I rented a house that we nicknamed The Icky House for a multitude of obvious reasons.
Now I live in my castle, my homestead, my dream house. It amazes me still. This is my house. Who would have or could have thought that I could build a new house? As I mopped the floor this morning, I realized it is a good thing for my sons to witness. Each generation learns from the previous. We reset the boundaries and test the glass ceilings and perimeters. My father was the first to go to college. I did that and then got a doctorate. I started my own business. I built a house. My sons don’t have to listen to my lecturing or my prodding, they can simply dream and set themselves upon that dream. Do they want to play the guitar? Write music or computer programs? Do they want to grow pecans or practice law? I think the biggest and most significant reach for them will be to decide what they want to do or rather, what they want to do FIRST because a life is filled with promise and opportunities, chances to explore and grow and even to just be still. Having a home allows you to take inventory and ponder upon what captures your mind and heart.
I am off to the home improvement store to buy drip line. Then I must get passport photos taken so I can sit for my re-certification exams. Then I will go spend a few dollars at a local store or two. It is supposed to get cold tonight, so I plan on making soup and hunkering down this afternoon. Sometime this weekend, I plan on seeing a movie: The Sessions or Lincoln.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.