What worked? What hasn’t worked? These are different questions than “What do you want to work?” Thinking something should work is not answering the basic question: What worked? We all know George Bailey. We all have that wonderful life and especially at the end of the year, as we look forward, we take stock. At least I do. I close out my books. I file and archive emails. I change all my passwords….for everything. This means changing every file in my Blackberry. It’s a commitment. I do my spring cleaning at the end of the year. I defrost the freezer which is actually a ‘frost free’ freezer but whatever…it frosts. I already went through my fabric stash and will play with it some more today. I cleared off my desk and will file everything in paper and shred what isn’t important enough to hold. This process works for me. And as I assess the last year, I can name quite a few things that worked. And I am going to focus on the stuff that worked. here is my list:
- To feel beautiful, sexy and feminine: I did my nails and toes. If I didn’t have time to go to the salon, I did them myself. I kept my favorite body wash well stocked along with its companion lotion. I bought and cared for some nice lingerie. I kept my hair appointments. I kept my make up fresh and every night, EVERY NIGHT with out fail, I washed my face and did my skin routine. Now I am my own commercial: I may be 45 but I don’t look 45. I am mindful of attire but because I feel better if I dress well. Even in “play” clothes, I iron linen shorts and wear a piece of jewelry. I do these things for ME.
- To feel strong and vital: I did some kind of exercise or stretching daily. I bought a couple of kettle balls. I keep trying yoga. I started Zumba. I walk the neighborhood at night. I drink more water and less caffeine. Eating fresh fruits and veggies makes a huge difference. I breathe mindfully.
- To feel calm: I pray. I do that breathing thing some more. I went to bed earlier and lingered in bed in the morning for a bit. I let the emotions out instead of fighting them. If I was sad, I let sadness surface and present itself. I acknowledged it and that is all it wants, to be known. I worked on forgiveness. Forgiveness offers the most sincere calm, a true balm for the heart and soul.
- To feel assured: I addressed each task or obstacles by disassembling them. I cannot carry a car over a wall, but I can take the car apart and reassemble it on the other side. The discovery is that in disassembling the car, I learn about the car, how it runs, how to make improvements. I appreciate the car and the Karate Kid training helps me know myself and my obstacles better. Also, I stand still. When faced with an obstacle, I learned to stop, look, listen and WAIT. Less rushing headlong into things. Just because I can synchronize swim and crochet simultaneously (many levels above walking and chewing gum) it doesn’t mean I have to function at warp 7.
- To feel hopeful: I remind myself of what has worked. And I visualize the future. Simply being able to still see the future means the future is THERE and I have hope. Hope is a lovely and blessed thing. Hopefulness is not wishful thinking. Hope is the aspiration of dreams. When I assess what has worked, what I have accomplished, I have solid, undeniable PROOF that I ain’t wishing or dreaming. I am hoping. A wish is a thing. I dream is an object. Hope is a PATH, a way…..THE WAY.
Focus on what has worked, build upon that and let the way find itself.