Occasionally, you find a rare treasure. You stumble upon something unexpectedly and it is so pleasing and so delightful, you must have it. In a little shop called eclectic I found this desk. It was stunningly inexpensive and so unique and uncommon; I had to have it. I had no clue as to how I might get the desk home to Florida but I was determined. I would solve that problem later. The legs could be removed and the thing could be shipped. Instead, I got a surprising door-to-door delivery. It is all providence. I had considered going to Charleston but was warned away because of Hurricane Earl. I had considered going south to Miami but then I learned I might have E for Saturday while his brother went to the first Gator game with their father. Fortunately, a third ticket was obtained and E got to go to the game, too. That pleased Evan very much. I had canceled my trip south so as to hang with Evan and now had a wide open four day weekend. I canned mustard. I finished the top of my quilt. I made valences for my bedroom windows. And then, late yesterday afternoon…..I get a desk delivery. And it is a beautiful addition to my bedroom.
I love the accidental discoveries and the incidental findings. When you go off searching but not truly looking for anything in particular, it is a blessing and a delight to find something so unexpectedly perfect, something that fits so perfectly in your world that you must have it. And when it comes at such a reasonable cost who can argue? Who can refuse? Who can resist? And why would you want to? It is rare, exceedingly rare, to have something handed to you on a silver platter.