Having a long weekend, especially an unexpected three day weekend, has been a nice treat. I was meant to be in Tampa at a medical conference. My kids call it “going to school”. Logistics and scheduling conflicts caused the snafu and…viola! three day weekend with out school. I did manage to be productive.
- I helped watched Evan finish his science project Thursday afternoon. He turned it in Friday to great enthusiasm from his classmates.
- I did home study with Prescriber’s Letter and clocked at least some hours of continuing medical education.
- I watched the third episode of season 1 of Wallander. The new season starts this coming Sunday.
- I found a new piece of music. Victoire. I have needed something new to play while I write. My previous piece is imprinted to my first novel like a landscape.
- I revised and editing my short story submission for the Florida Writers’ Association magazine. The theme of this edition is Surprise.
- It was my mother’s 71st birthday and we took her to lunch and let her splurge on something at Chico’s.
- I made French toast breakfast with Uppercrust butterbread for my little guys, their favorite weekend morning food.
- I worked on my quilt. I am almost finished. So close. I even found metallic silver thread for some of the top quilting.
It is early Monday morning. I have made my lunch and baked Ghiradelli double chocolate muffins for the Monday start up. Their laundry is washed. Their homework is done. The test prep has been done. It is going to be a good week.