
I am contemplating change. I am observing the natural evolution of things in comparison to intentionally doing something different. Sometimes, even intentional changes take time to manifest. Most people have made an effort to live healthier or to lose weight. The process requires changes in activities, changes in food choices and portion sizes. It mostly requires a change of your mind set. While it is possible to got to some Diet Clinic and get a bag full of supplements and pills, eventually, the maintenance requires the individual to walk the line.

I am considering major overhaul of this blog. While is has been my place for personal and philosophical musings and while I have tried to focus on positivity and affirmative perspectives, I want to change. I want to grow. I want to start something new, try something different. Since this is my own personal little realm, I can play my imaginary games to my delight.

Life is good. Living is a sweet reward. The things I encounter daily that lift me up and enrich my life are the things I want to acknowledge. This will be my slow down and smell the roses exercise. And by writing about it, I slow down enough to actually think about why things are worth savoring.

Look for changes.

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