It was an absolutely gorgeous day today, a true Florida fall day. It stayed in the high 70’s and as the sun has gone down, the temperature has dropped below 70F quickly. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky all day. The birds found my bird feeders and also the bird bath. I managed to get some house chores and small tasks completed. I scrubbed my patio furniture and their cushions with Oxy-Clean. The carpenter came and installed the doors for my custom cabinetry beside my fireplace. It looks fabulous! Then I got help pulling one of the first full frame from my bee hive.
That one frame will produce one quart of honey. The honey is currently straining and I should have pictures tomorrow. I think I will need to make these Garden & Gun biscuits for breakfast. I bought seven blueberry bushes that I will go back and pick up tomorrow because I don’t have a vehicle large enough to transport them. If I can find a friend with a large pick-up or a trailer, I will buy my loquat tree, too. I assembled the compost bin, which I am sure was someone’s graduate engineering thesis. I transferred the pile of temporary compost into the bin and now the discarded pallets and metal sheeting can truly be discarded.
I then got the best treat of all – a visit from my writing friend Amy and her husband. She had her first Gator football experience today at the Swamp. The team played messy and inelegantly, but a live football game in the Swamp is always fun. After the game and with a little help from OnStar, they came out to see the house and visit. I think we could have talked for three more hours. I am so happy to share my house with friends.
The first honey dividend: